You may make any changes to your application until you personally apply for
Once you have visited the Admissions Office and submitted your application, the application will be read-only; any changes on your part will not be possible.
read-only; no changes can be made on your part.
After filling out the form, you should print it (on one sheet on both sides),
print application,
check it and take it with you with the other documents when you apply to the
admissions committee.
If there is no possibility to create a Personal account of the applicant or print the application form and the application in advance, you can do it in 63 classroom 1 building.
form number (listed
at the top of the form "Questionnaire" ).----- >
The printed questionnaire has additional fields for which there is no correspondence in the
The electronic version; these fields are to be filled out
Admissions Committee with supporting documentation.
Once you have your photograph taken at the time of application, the photograph will
The photograph will appear on the application form.